Managing your relationship- Third Post



元宵(sweet dumplings)- traditional food in Lantern's Festival


Happy Valentine’s Day, nerds!

Besides, happy Chinese Lantern Festival!



I have seen a lot different kinds of people here and a lot different attitudes of living abroad. This is not a complicated environment but fulfill with complicated relationship. Horoscope book says that Capricornus this year is playing a consultant role, and I do feel that way sometimes. 

From XinhuaNET

Lantern Exhibition

Living in a total new environment, while there you have to replace your whole relationships including love, friendship and kinship, but the only thing you do not want to replace is your attitude towards them.

爱情 Love





Long distance relationship, I never see so much long distance relationship in my life. Sometimes you win, but most time you lose. Life is a show, but cannot perform your heart. I am a loser of long distance, but I do admire those ones who still hanging there, at least hanging for now.

Time is a murder for killing a relationship, so is distance. While the topics for sharing are getting less and less, while future is getting blurrier and blurrier, how can you find a way to maintain your feeling for each other? Most time, we just treat it too serious, so we hesitate too much and too long, and convince ourselves to give up this hopeless feeling.

I question myself, and maybe get an answer by chatting with a friend. He is saying based on his own experience, “We are always thinking about how many difficulties we are going to encounter, how long we have to hanging there, and scare ourselves away even before we actually face them. But if I want to be with this person, I would like to think about how to conquer tribulation and be together.” Another girl who lasting for a long time LDR said that, the quarrel is unavoidable, but no matter how mad they were during the quarrel, they made a rule to tell each other “I love you” before farewell.

Our love, it connected by these tiny heartfelt expressions and indicates a shinning future. So, do not hesitate for your expression of love to those person you truly love.

Facebook Self-expression ad campaign, tell them how you feel, and you won’t regret it.

友情 Friendship


Love is to water as friendship is to mountain. While living abroad, they are the bunch of people always be there for you whether they are in Kent or far away from ocean. No matter what, they are support and back you up for your every difficult time. You are reflecting the shape of dream from each other, and cherishing the happy moment with each other. Do not stay at your room like forever. Leaving your dorm and making friends. Opening your door is the only way to let others enter your world.

Sheldon, the friendship algorithm. Big Bang Theory

亲情 Family

他们是最牵挂你的人,千山万水走遍,只有你的家人永远守着一方水土,等着你归来的佳期。这是一个touching topic,是心底最柔软的地方,更是所有海外学子躲不开的硬伤。



They are ones who care you most. No matter how far you go, parents are the only person who will stay in that forever point and waiting for you. This is the softest place in your heart and a wound you can never get rid of.

Since being here, you have the first Mid-autumn Festival without them, and the coming Spring Festival and Lantern’s Festival. You also have the first birthday without them, and firstly experience the loneliness while you suddenly awake in the midnight. All we can do is thanking for the courage bestowed by life that making us the pride of families.

Thanks for the technology, we can talk and look them without being there. Talk to them, because they are experiencing the same miss just like you. Sometimes, distance can close our relationship.


“This advertisement by Tencent was broadcasted during the  Spring Festival Gala, which is one of the most expensive air times on Chinese television. The familiar story is something a lot of Chinese families go through and has moved thousands of overseas Chinese students to tears.” — TNW Asia

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