





























维多利亚的秘密:VS的唇彩好看又好用,20美金4支,送朋友很给力~Chapel Hill和Summit Mall都有专柜。

GNC(最近买一瓶,第二瓶五折,网上有店,沃尔玛对面也有一家。办张卡20美金,每个月的前7天都有20%OFF的折扣), Drugstore(换着内容地打折,邮费一般都是40就免了),Puritan’s Pride(爽得很,买一送一,买二送三,而且质量也不错。送人的话选这个。)Vitamin World, Costo(据说要下手稳准狠)。



fish oil鱼油,—–含有EPA和DHA,EPA是人体合成具有控制血液凝固等功能的前列腺素所需的重要成份。DHA是脑组织和视网膜组织中的一种重要成份,在神经组织的传导中也起着重要作用,有助于提高记忆力,有“脑黄金”之称。EPA和DHA仅在深海鱼类和一些海产品中大量存在,在美中两国国民的饮食中均非常缺乏。服用本产品可以帮助降低血浆中甘油三酯,减小血栓形成趋势,降低心血管疾病发病危险。

螺旋藻Spirulina ——-螺旋藻是一种单细胞淡水藻类, 含有全部二百多种人体需要的营养物质, 被誉为最完美, 最均衡的保健食品. 具有增强DNA修复及合成能力, 抗氧化, 抗癌, 改进内脂质代谢, 降低胆固醇水平的功效, 也是节食瘦身者理想的营养补充来源. 。。

葡萄籽OPC(Grape Seed Extract)—-葡萄子精为抗氧化素,含生物黄酮物质。帮助维他命C进入细胞,增大维他命C效用,具消炎、促进血液循环、预防心脏病及抗癌作用。
大蒜精Garlic Oil Concentrate—-具有以下作用:
-可调节血糖, 降低糖尿病发作;
-有效排毒,清血, 以减少粉刺发生,以达美容之功效。美国脑白金—–褪黑素片又称“脑白金”,是人体不可缺少的一种天然荷尔蒙,它控制并影响其它不同激素的分泌。当体内褪黑素减少时,人体的各种机能都会受到影响,各种疾病也随之而来。研究表明,中年后人体褪黑素的分泌开始减少。尽早摄取补充足够的褪黑素,可以改善内分泌系统的功能,提高免疫力,提高抗紧张、抗氧化的功能,改善睡眠、减缓人体老化速度,减缓性器官退化速度;褪黑素还可以帮助防治癌症,对于习惯性失眠等尤有明显帮助。
主要功能:1、天然的助眠剂;2、增强免疫力;3、防癌; 4、防止性器官退化;5、抗氧化作用,预防衰老。

羊胎素Sheep Placenta———-羊胎盘含有丰富的各种氨机酸,粘多糖,卵磷脂,维生素E B族群及矿物质,对人体组织有惊人的修复作用。 80年代,瑞士等欧洲國家又发现从羊胎盘中提取的免疫球蛋白,可大大提高人体的免疫机能。

卵磷脂Lecithin, ——卵磷脂是很多食物都含有的一种重要的营养成份,是从大豆中提取精制而成,主要的功能是把人体内多余的胆固醇代谢出体外,有助于预防心血管疾病和癌症,还可以促进智力发育,对人的大脑、神经系统、心血管系统、肝脏以及其它重要器官都有益处。卵磷脂可以帮助您保持健康和青春活力。。。

各种精华素Facial Oil—–各种各样,送给妈妈最好,美容保养。)

花旗参american ginseng——花旗参具有补气养阴、清热降火、健脾润肺、培补真元的作用。能生津止渴、清热除烦、解酒提神,适用于睡眠不足、口干咽干、肝火上炎,气阴两虚之症状。现代医学研究分析认为其有效成分能提高高级神经系统的活动能力,有抗疲劳作用,临床常用作强壮剂,治疗植物神经功能失调及各种阳痿有效。对老年人智力记忆力减退及思想迟钝有精神兴奋作用。对心脏,血管均有调节作用,对病态心脏功能有改善作用,可能与其显著降低耗氧量有关。花旗参能增劳机体对各种不良刺激,无论是物理性,化学性和生物性的刺激,都具有增强非特异性抵抗力、提高机体适应性,促进病理过程恢复正常的功能。还有抗休克作用,对血压有先微升后下降的双向作用,人参可使红细胞、血红蛋白和白细胞增加,还具有较高抗放射活性从而减轻辐射对造血系统的损害。花旗参具有抑制癌细胞生长的物质,能增强网状内系统及白细胞的吞噬作用,有抗菌及抗寄生虫的作用,还具有脱敏作用。-

ginkgo biloba银杏片,(防止老年痴呆,健忘)抗血栓,有效的预防心肌梗塞及中风的发生;促进脑部的血液循环及降低脑细胞老化,预防老年痴呆症、脑中风、大脑紊乱、眩晕症;增强记忆力和心智功能,集中注意力。 防治心肺疾病、哮喘、气管炎、动脉硬化;改善心脏血管,延缓衰老。Co-Enzyme Q-10, 预防及控制心肌梗塞,心肌衰竭,心绞痛,心跳异常,因为其显著的保护心脏的作用

Alpha-lipoic acid 硫辛酸,糖尿病患及高危险人群;心血管疾病及高危险人群;中老年人的健康保养;皮肤干涩多细纹者。对清除头部各器官自由基毒素格外有效,可以保护大脑、眼睛免受污染毒素和感染的危害,解除大脑、眼睛疲劳,改善各种过敏症、炎症、鼻炎、结膜炎,增强免疫力。

各种活性钙—-蔬菜中提取,100%溶于水,十分易于吸收,能显著提高骨密度和骨胶原的再生,对于保持健康的骨骼,关节和软骨大有帮助. 蛋白粉Protein Plus—–蛋白质及氨基酸是建造及修补人体细胞组织的重要原素, 也是人类赖以为生的饮食要素之一. 康麦斯冲泡式蛋白质营养补充品含有天然蛋白质及22种氨基酸, 并添加了多种维生素及矿物质, 营养丰富, 容易消化吸收, 可口香浓味道好, 不论是成长中的儿童, 青少年, 或是成年人及老人都极适合饮用. 每日一杯, 可帮助改善因饮食不均衡而引起的营养失调. 想减重的人士每日可以之代替1至2顿正餐饮用; 想增胖或增加肌肉的人士可当饮料饮用.
鲨鱼软骨 Shark Cartilage—-深海鲨鱼之软骨是其体内免疫系统重要的天然抗体. 鲨鱼生命力极强, 极少发现癌症及其它疾病. 其原因是鲨鱼含有这种天然抗体. 近年来一系列研究均证明鲨鱼软骨具有抗癌,增强免疫力,治疗关节炎,骨质疏松症,改善伤口溃烂,强壮骨骼等作用. 经常服用鲨鱼软骨, 可以帮助人体吸收足够的免疫成分,对癌症和关节炎等病症也有正面作用, 还可预防保健用. 孕妇, 成长中的儿童,手术后不久的病患者, 不合适服用…


芦荟胶囊--芦荟对于胃、十二指肠溃疡、糖尿病、肥胖、 口腔炎及牙周病、高血压、痔疮、支气管哮喘和慢性支气管炎、癌的防治、痛风、皮肤溃疡、结肠溃疡 、烧伤、癌变等 病具有辅助治疗作用。


Milk Thistle(水飞蓟)


Adidas: 常年衣服和鞋子都在打折。最过分的是今天买了双10美金的。
Nike: 更多的鞋子。和阿迪一样过分的是买到10美金的鞋子。

Cosmetic Company: 香水礼盒的折扣很不错。最近有了DKNY的Delicious和Pure~Micheal Kors和雅诗兰黛的香水礼盒算下来也省很多。

领带:CK。Tommy Hilfiger.

Micheal Kors: 纯皮的包包大爱啊。国内认识这个牌子的不多,但是在美国很流行的,包包的材质和设计都很喜欢。
注册Outlet的会员,有时候会有Special VIP的折扣,比如今天,很多店都有额外的20%的OFF.

KENT Nearby Restaurants Collections (Eighth Post)

肯特是个小镇,如果你已经厌倦了一成不变的麦当劳,Wendy’s 和汉堡王,那么今天我们就来看一下肯特周围的美食吧。本文推荐的包括亚洲美食,以及一些当地的特色餐厅,体验一下美式风味。

Kent is a small town, if you are tired of the unchangeable McDonalds, Wendy’s and Burger King, let me show you some good restaurants around Kent area. You can select all kinds of Asian food, including Chinese food, Japanese food and Thai food, or you can choose some famous local restaurants, and experience well-cooked American flavors dishes.

第一部分:亚洲美食 (排名按从肯特到达的距离)

First Sections: Asian Food (Ranking based on distance from KSU)

1. 闽城和长荣 Mingcheng and Evergreen


These are the two most popular local Chinese restaurants. One is for buffet and the other for dishes. Everyone knows, so I quit talking about them.

2.Pad Thai

位置在Hudson,需要20分钟的路程到达。Pad Thai 提供泰式食物和寿司,Pad Thai是泰国面条,实际就是米粉。这儿的米粉十分好吃啊,寿司也很经济美味。记得要尝试一下火山卷,酱汁很好。除此之外,这儿的羊肉做的也不错~还有鸭肉。


Located in Hudson, it requires a 20 minutes trip. Pad Thai is good because it has both great Thai food and great sushi. The Pad Thai noodle provided there is the best I had around Kent, and the sushi is economic and delicious. Remember to try the volcano roll. It has great sauce and great flavor. It also cooks mutton and duck here.

Environment is good, but the service is just Okay.

3.Cilantro Thai & Sushi Restaurant

Phi Thai

Phi Thai from Cilantro Thai & Sushi Restaurant

这家和Pad Thai小相似,也提供泰式和寿司。位置在Akron University附近,开车25分钟。Cilantro环境不错,装修不错,服务不错,食物也不错,在炒饭中,我居然吃出了八角的味道。推荐他家特别的甜点,Mango Sticky Rice。这边的辣椒很厉害,按等级分0-5,可以尝试一下。

Thai food and sushi are provided there. 25 minutes to get this restaurant, and it is just close to Akron University. This is a nice place, great decoration, great service, and great drinks. Food is nice. The recommendation is their special dessert, Mango Sticky Rice. Try spicy if you can, and spicy is grated from 1 to 5.


Mango Sticky Rice at Cilantro Thai & Sushi Restaurant

Mango Sticky Rice at Cilantro Thai & Sushi Restaurant

3.京园 Beijing Garden

京园,位置在Twinsburg, 不到30分钟车程。老板来自北京,这里提供的中式食物比较正宗,汤不错,担担面不错,炒菜也不错。


Beijing Garden is a Chinese food restaurant located in Twinsburg. It needs around 30 minutes road trip to get there. The owner is from Peking. This is a place able to provide you the traditional Chinese flavor food such as, generally, great soup, noodles and fried dishes.

Environment is Okay, and service is at an Okay level, too.

4. Yellow Tail

位置在Akron, 30分钟能到。


Located in Akron, 30 minutes to get there.

I have liked it for a while. It is good because it has a decent food collection. You can get Chinese and Japanese sushi, and, at the same time, you can get salad, dessert and other kind of western foods too. Print Coupon on their website before you go.

5. Wasabi Japanese Steakhouse



35 minutes to get there. Akron.

It provides merely Japanese BBQ. People go there is not for the food. For me, the food is just okay. People go there to see the BBQ show.

6. 樱花寿司 Sakura



40 minutes to get there. Akron.

Best Sushi place, kind of expensive. But you can get awesome sushi there.


Second Sections: American Local Restaurant.

1. Mike’s place

估计木有人木有去过吧。老板是Mike,菜量很大,有女生去了光吃sides就可以吃饱了。位置在281和South Water Street的交叉口上。那儿的Rib不错~三明治也不错。特别推荐大个圣代。装修很特别哦。

Of course Mike is the owner of this place. It is located on the cross of 281 and south water street. The recommendation is they provide great rib. Sandwich is good. Sundae is awesome. Decoration is so special.

2. Rusty Nail

Appetizer---Shrimp at Nasty Nail

Appetizer---Shrimp at Rusty Nail



Great cooked fish and steak. It has fireplace and bar. Every Friday is Karaoke night.

3. Brickhouse Tavern & Tap


Two words for this one: HOT WAITRESS.

4. Wild goat


It provides breakfast and lunch. I like their omelets a lot.

Driving Safely – Five Safety Tips Most Forgotten (seventh post)

Chinese stop sign showing character 停

Image via Wikipedia


I cannot believe that snow comes to Kent again in April. With his back towards the window, my professor complained that he refused to look outside for he was not willing to accept the truth that the snow came back. Snow makes driving harder and accidents happen more easily. Considering the accidents my friends and I suffered from recently, and how dangerous machine a vehicle could become, I think intently that it is time to give some driving safety tips to friends who drive.

1. 注意新的交通规则。美国和中国有许多不一样的交通规则,比如Stop sign。中国没有stop sign, 我前几日刚听了一个朋友开车不经过stop sign而罚了$140。Stop sign设在路口是出于安全考虑,取代了信号灯的作用。

1. Pay attention to new traffic rules. There exist so many differences between Chinese and American traffic

regulations. For instance, we can see stop signs everywhere here while cannot see any in China. I just heard about that one of my friends from China got a $140 fine for no stopping before a stop sign. A stop sign is set up for the safety of an

Stop Sign

intersection. Be sure you will stop and check the coming cars before you pass the intersection.

2. 当你驾驶的时候,把地图和GPS放在随手处。如果你迷路了,停在路边重新确定方向。在驾驶过程中找路很容易出事故。同理,手机也容易使人分心,应该尽量避免在开车时使用。有时候GPS的路线标注不清,如果你走错了,就错着走下去,不要试图在高速公路上忽然改变你的路线,一不留神会造成很大麻烦。

2. When you are traveling, be sure to keep your maps and GPS ready and easy to grab. If you are lost, pull over to the side of the road before read a map or use the GPS to get a better direction.  It is very easy to cause an accident when you are driving while checking direction. As well, cell phone, as another distracting objective, should avoid from being used while driving. Sometimes GPS could be tricky. If you are going to a wrong way on freeway, do not try to make any sudden turn during driving at a high speed.

3. 和其他车至少保持一个车的车距。保持距离永远是好事儿,当前面的车要急刹车的时候,留给你时间去反应。当有车试图超车的时候,不要想着跟人家比速度。

3. Leave at least a car’s length of space between your car and the other cars. It is always good to keep a safe

Stay away from that car! From Sparklette.net

distance. When the car in front of you has an emergency brake, you need time to react. When there is a car try to surpass you, let them go, and Do Not try to race with other cars.

4. 解冻你的窗户,从陷车中解救自己。这是雪地最重要也最容易被忽视的注意事项。在开车之前打开解冻器和空调来消除车窗上的冻霜和车内的雾气。这些步骤能保证你在雪地里有着清晰的视线。此外,当你陷到泥淖或者雪堆里的时候,用雪橇把自己铲出来。盲目地旋转轮胎只会让你越陷越深。在轮胎下放橡胶制品可以加大摩擦力,更容易把车开出来。

4. Defrost Your Windows/Rescue your car from stuck. This is the most important tip for a snowy day and also the most easily to be forgotten. Make sure to turn on defroster and fan to help you defrost your windshield and warm up the interior of your car before you leave for drive way. These processes will keep your view clear during driving. When you are stuck in mud or snow, dig yourself out with a snow shovel. Spinning wheels can do nothing but make it worse. Placing some rubber material underneath will help drive out with ease.

5. 定期检查车辆。检查玻璃水,刹车,轮胎,当你的雨刷磨损之后要及时更换。

5. Take your car  for regular check. Check the wiper fluid, brakes, and tires, and be sure to replace wiper blades when they become worn-out.




How to sell yourself in your resume? (sixth post) 如何在你的简历中推销自己?


From Resumebear.com

March is always the busy season of internship application for summer and fall. HR managers receive snowflakes-like resumes from all over the country. How would you like yours stand out from others? Today, Color is going to share some tips of resume from PR perspective.


Why we need internship? A person who would like a blank paper as resume could skip the following part, you don’t have to waste time on this. Other fellows, the experience of studying abroad elaborates to us that one of the huge differences between educational theory of China and US is the latter focuses more on a person’s actual ability. Hence, you would better show yourself from your various working experience. Besides that, internship is a good chance for you to review yourself. Different experiences in different workplace review your adaptive situation therefore find out what kind of environment fit you best.


The best promotion in the marketing world is self-promotion. Coming from a country like China, we always treat modest as one of the best qualities that people can have. Nevertheless, competitive American culture requires you to be more confidence to show yourself. So, how can we systemize our resumes, package us as ideal products and deliver ourselves to HR managers?

  1. 列出你的背景,教育,实习,研究,活动,工作。然后看看哪些是你的雇主所希望看到的。
  2. 头脑风暴找出自己的长处和技能。不但要让潜在雇主看到你能做什么,而且要看到你做的有多好,为什么这个很重要,你能给公司带来怎样的成绩。
  3. 说出来和卖出去。你不但想要雇主看到你在说“快看我”,更要让他们看到“看看我能为你做什么!”
  4. 运用一些具体的细节来突出你的能力
  5. 不要只说你的经历,也表现你的其他特点,比如你重要的品质,你的责任心,公司不是单单在招一个工作机器,而是在招一个co-worker.
  6. 不要一直强调第一人称,大家都知道这是你的简历。
  • list your background. your education, internship, research experience, campus activity and work. check which of them will be seen as benefit from employer.
  • Brain Storm your advantage and skills, not just let your potential employer see what you can do, but also how well you have done, why it matters, and what kind of achievement you can bring for the company.
  • Telling it and Selling it. You are not just want to say “Look at me”, but also want to let them see “what I can do for you”
  • Using some specific details to show your ability. Some numbers, outcomes and achievement will impress your HR manager and make your resume looks reliable.
  • Don’t just list facts of your life, show other characters of yourself, like your personality, your important quality and your responsibility. Remember, company is not just looking for a working machine, they are looking for a co-worker here.
  • Don’t always emphasized that the first person, everyone knows that this is your resume.


What kind of FORMAT will be helpful for you resume?





According to the classification of dummies. Com, in resume writing, there are a total of the following formats:

  • Reverse chronological: Lists all employment and education, beginning with the most recent and working backward.
  • Functional (skills-based): Shows what you can do instead of relaying what you’ve done and where you did it.
  • Hybrid (combination): A combination of both the reverse chronological and functional resume formats.

    From Dummies.com

    Read more: http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/how-to-choose-your-best-resume-format.html#ixzz1GJPqJVrz

    A link that might be helpful here.



    Three Things You Need to Know About Groundswell (Fifth Post)三件关于网络营销不得不说的事儿





    譬如学生会对于活动的推广,Kent CSSA的论坛,公共主页,QQ群,都可以被视作网络营销。

    Recently has a casual chat with a friend. While we talking about the online marketing, he was thinking about online spam.

    While I talking about PR major, all he can think about is high heels and long legs.

    I showed my disappointing and decide to write something for my major and online marketing.

    Online marketing is nothing but a marketing way, a more effective one than ad. We are potentially be a part of online marketing or groundswell in our daily online activities.

    For example, how CSSA promote their activity, how they run public page and manage QQ chatting group, these online activities are all considered as groundswell strategies.

    QQ group talking page

    1. 网络营销阵地

    Groundswell technologies


    Internet is place gathering public opinions. It is well-known that in which place people share ideas and opinions. Here, I will simply introduce the groundswell technologies. Introduced by the authors of Groundswell, “Groundswell technologies” includes such as blogs, wikis, bookmarking and tagging sites, social networks, forums, ratings, reviews, RSS feeds, and widgets.

    2. 用户分类

    Social Technographic Profile

    Charlene Li和Josh Bernoff 将网络用户的分类法则介绍给我们,通过甄别你的目标市场里不同的用户特性,以此来帮助任何组织选择正确的营销团体和方式。

    用户分类包括Creators, Critics, Collectors, Joiners, Spectators, Inactives, 以及近年出现的conversationlists.

    • Creators致力于创造新的在线内容,他们经常性地使用博客,维护一个独立网站,或者上传音频视频。
    • Critics 对他人的在线内容进行回应,譬如回帖,使用评分系统,或者编辑维基词条。
    • Collectors 使用收藏夹和书签,在线订阅收集和整合信息,从侧面讲,是对Creators和Critics的肯定。
    • Joiners 使用社交网站维持一个基本的存在状态。
    • Spectators 是只读不写的在线受众,就是我们常说的潜水。潜水者是一个巨大的人群,在米国的在线受众中占据了将近二分之一的比重。
    • Inactives 不被网络营销所影响的人群
    • Conversationlists 在线进行信息交流的用户,譬如QQ群。


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    Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff introduce an interesting data tool called the “Social Technographic Profile”. By showing how you can use this metric to understand what percentage of online audience in your market, it will be hopefully helpful for organization to choose the right group and right method to conduct groundswell.

    The social technograohic profile includes Creators, Critics, Collectors, Joiners, Spectators, Inactives, and of course the newly added, conversationlists.

    • Creators dedicate on producing new online content, they post new articles on blog, maintain an independent website, or upload video and podcast.
    • Critics react to others online content, like post a comments, use the grading and reviewing system, or editing wiki.
    • Collectors use bookmarking and RSS feeder to collect and integrate information. To some point, they complete the works of creators and critics.
    • Joiners use social network website and maintain basic profiles.
    • Spectators, all they do is merely reading. They do not react or create to the online content. The specific number of percentage of spectators among US online audience is 48%, almost half audience remains a spectators statue.
    • Inactives, they are non-participating for online conversations.
    • Conversationlists, people share idea and information with online chatting. Like QQ group.

    The real value for the organization to use this classification is to help you locating your audience’s characters in your target market, find out what they are using now, and therefore will help make decision on what kind of online promoting tools to conduct groundswell and public opinions monitoring. Besides, how to active inactives and spectators is another topic we could go deeper.

    3. 确定网络营销的目标

    Establish your objective of groundswell









    Online marketing needs walk your talk, you need to establish your goal first to help you achieve it.

    There are 5 goals mentioned by the book Groundswell.

    1. Listening: First you need to know where is your targeted audience group, what kind of tools and websites they are using, what’s they opinion. By integrating public opinion, understand what they need and focus for now, and find wealthy ideas that can help you improve your products and enhance your services.
    2. Talking: By using the groundswell technologies, we could have the chance to join the conversation. The direct communication with audience will have direct impact on organization’s image.
    3. Energizing: If you already build a loyal audience base, then find a way to enable and encourage your audience to express online. Comparing with ad, people tend to accept suggestions from friends. Word of mouth recommendations and advice from your audiences can go a lot further than anything you do on your own.
    4. Supporting: Adhesiveness is building audience group. People naturally have the tendency to gather together when they have something in common. What we need to do it to maintain and improve this group.
    5. Embracing: When one day, your audience is helping you with products, you are achieving the final goal of groundswell. It is not like you need reorganization from your audience, but what you did is to meet the demand from your audience. This is probably the hardest goal among total five. Find ways to use the groundswell to involve your customers in your decision-making processes, and implement their best ideas as quickly as you can.

    One thing needs to pay attention is comparing to going forward one by one, the above five goals are more likely parallel. The achievement your online strategy accomplished for now does not necessarily mean your accomplishment to one or two goals.

    More Information could be found on the author’s blog.
